Christian Studies Graduate Program Application

Christian Studies Graduate Program Application

Christian Studies Graduate Application
Fields marked with * are required.

Personal Information

Gender *

Enrollment Data

Which degree will you pursue? *
At which campus/extension center do you plan to pursue this degree? *

High School Data

College/Academic Record

List all colleges, vocational/technical or proprietary schools in which you have officially enrolled (even those where no credit was earned). If you are a former student, list HPU.
Did you attend Howard Payne University as an undergrad? *
Did you attend a 2nd college/university? *
Did you attend a 3rd college/university? *
Did you attend a 4th college/university? *
Did you attend a 5th college/university? *
Have you attended any additional colleges/universities? *
Are you presently on academic or disciplinary suspension at any college or university you have attended? *

Emergency Contact

General Information

Are you interested in pursuing vocational Christian ministry? *